Conquering the corners

How BBLeap transformed coverage at Roseworthy Farms

Interview with Michael Eva

In the vast agricultural landscapes of Australia, where precision is key to a successful harvest, spraying plays a crucial role. Michael Eva of Roseworthy Farms, which spans 4,400 hectares growing crops such as wheat, barley, canola, lupins, and vetch, realized that modern technology could help him address the challenges of effective spraying. By upgrading to a sprayer with BBLeap technology, he’s been able to optimize his spraying operations and improve coverage.

Potatoes interview

“The biggest advantage? I’ve got more control over what I’m doing. BBLeap gives me the precision and confidence to get it right every time.” – Michael Eva


potato blossom

Farm Facts Roseworthy

Location: Brookton, WA, Australia
Owner: Michael Eva
BBLeap user since: 2023
Crops: Wheat, barley, canola, lupins, and vetch
Hectares: 4,400
Functionalities: Leapbox
Sprayer: Calibre Leap edition

The challenges of spraying at Roseworthy Farms

Spraying is never without its challenges, especially on a farm of this size. Michael faces a number of difficulties, including undulating terrain and obstacles like rocks and trees. 

“Another challenge in spraying is trying to fit it into ideal weather conditions. For example, we can’t spray if it’s too hot or the humidity is too low,” Michael explains. “And in autumn and winter, we have to worry about temperature inversions, because your chemical doesn’t end up where you want it to.” According to Michael, the biggest challenge was always getting good coverage on the weeds you’re targeting. 

Potato row crop

“With BBLeap, the difference is clear—uniform coverage across every corner of the field” – Michael Eva

Crop sugar beet
Crop sugar beet
Crop sugar beet

Enhanced precision and resource efficiency

With BBLeap, Michael has not only improved the efficiency of his spraying operations but also optimized coverage. A noticeable benefit has been the more uniform coverage, especially in challenging areas like headlands or field corners. “The corners look much better now,” Michael notes. “You’d notice a difference because with the individual nozzle control and the turn compensation, you would get an even coverage on the outside of the boom and you’re not getting that overspray on the inside when you’re turning. Whereas the old boom without the BBLeap system didn’t have that, so the inside would kill a crop, and the outside would be full of weeds, because you haven’t got a high enough rate applied.” 

This improvement is thanks to the precision nozzle control provided by the BBLeap system, which ensures even coverage across the entire field. Michael finds that the system offers him greater control. “I can monitor exactly how much water is being applied per hectare and adjust the spray settings to match the conditions,” he explains. This ability to fine-tune the application helps him cover large areas more efficiently while maintaining consistent results.

BBLeap: the solution for better control and efficiency.

The main reason Michael chose BBLeap was for its individual nozzle control and turn compensation feature. This ensures that the edges and corners of the field, where sprayers often over-apply or under-apply chemicals, receive consistent coverage.

The system also makes it easier to control the spray quality. Michael can adjust the droplet size and spraying speed without worrying about fluctuations in pressure. “Just being able to set your droplet size and spray at a constant speed, not having to worry about your pressure changing makes my coverage so much better. Now I know my spray pattern is correct,” says Michael.

Moreover, the system is user-friendly. “How does it work? I’ll fill a tank up, push the on button and drive,” Michael laughs. The BBLeap technology ensures that the correct amount of water per hectare is sprayed based on the settings Michael chooses. It automatically adjusts the spraying parameters.

Potato row crop
Amazone Sprayer

Future possibilities

The BBLeap system has already delivered significant benefits for Michael and his farm, but he sees even more possibilities for the future. While he isn’t yet using drones or cameras, he’d like to add these technologies down the line to further improve the precision of his spraying. “If we can integrate drones or cameras for green-on-green technology in the future, and being able to spot spray. Huge benefits, potentially,” Michael says.

Precision and control for sustainable agriculture

For Michael Eva and Roseworthy Farms, upgrading to a sprayer with BBLeap technology has significantly improved the way he applies chemicals to his crops. The benefits of better coverage, reduced waste, and more control over the spraying process are clearly visible in the health of his crops and the efficiency of his operations. 
The technology not only provides solutions to the challenges of today but also positions Michael to take advantage of the agricultural technologies of tomorrow. With BBLeap, Roseworthy Farms now has a sprayer that is not only more precise but also future-proof—ready to evolve with the latest technologies and trends in agriculture. As Michael says: “The biggest advantage?  I’ve got more control over what I’m doing.”

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A retrofit is possible to just about any brand and kind of sprayer. Learn more about
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