Real-time scanning and application

LeapEye (TRL5)

Eyes that put your sprayer to work

Sitting in your tractor or sprayer cabin during a spray job, you have a perfect view of your crop. You notice the differences, the ones that grow well, the ones that are struggling. The place where the weeds are dense and where there are hardly any weeds. You are spraying it all and all the same.

What if you could spray what’s needed? What if your sprayer could see what you see? And even more practical, act accordingly? Different circumstances and different stages of the growth season reason require different actions. It looks different each time you pass. Nature is rich in variety and the needs of your crop differ each time. We want you to be able to give your crop what it needs. Not an average, exactly what it needs. 

That’s why BBLeap develops LeapEye, a camera system for real-time scanning and application. This will be the first open camera platform to support algorithms from other algorithm developers. This opens the gate to algorithms specifically developed for you.

LeapEye lets you automatically collect photos on the go and is powered by a very strong processing unit. The LeapEye components (cameras and processor) are placed on the boom. Install a camera sensor every 3 meters to get full coverage.

LeapEye camera


Scan your trees or crop

LeapEye processor


Processing the algorithm

LeapBox Module


LeapBox precision spraying

Horizontal accuracy

Each camera will measure its height, its speed, and the vector of its speed relative to the boom. By combining the information from each camera on the boom we have a very accurate boom model. This includes the bending of the boom and the speed of each nozzle. This boom model enables LeapBox, and any LeapEye application to work even more accurately.



Martijn van Alphen

“Detections are stored on a high-resolution grid fixed to the machine. When the machine moves, the detections move in the opposite direction on the grid. The machine movement is calculated by determining the forward speed (speed sensor or GPS) and the turning speed (one or two gyroscopes).”

Martijn van Alphen – Leap Creator

Examples of possibilities with LeapEye

Sprayer Amazone


Farming On Plant Level. Field spraying offers many opportunities to make use of our camera system. It’s capable of handling all common working speeds including those of the aussies. Some examples of how you can use our system:

  • Spot spraying
    • Green on green
    • Green on brown
  • Potato desiccation
  • Weed recognition


Growing on Fruit Level. Orchard spraying is still subject to average spraying. While you want to secure harvest spraying it all at the same rate can create severe loss to the quality and volume of your fruits. Some examples of how to use LeapEye are:

  • Blossom thinning
  • Tree profile
  • Treetop recognition
  • Biomass density

Data collection

LeapEye collects data by taking high-definition photos and saving them in the cloud. You can use it for analysis to anticipate the current and next season. It is also open to crop-specific algorithm developers.

Directly from the first spray job, you start to collect data. You can use this data to…
– see how the crop develops
– create a timelapse of the (high cultivation) crops

Can I order LeapEye today? Yes, while LeapEye is in TRL5, it is available for sale. The installation will take place later this year.

Peter Millenaar

“LeapEye is a major step forward in plant level spraying. Our open platform creates a huge opportunity for farmers to get access to algorithms that work for their crop and situation.”

Peter Millenaar – Leap Vision

Future usage: Crop specific algorithms

We want LeapFarmers to work with the best algorithms to get the best results. That means the more specific an algorithm the better it fits local circumstances. Therefore raw data will be available to those who built algorithms upon request. This is an open invitation to developers to develop algorithms for specific crops based on our data. We believe that making data available will facilitate and speed up the pace for taking the LEAP in agriculture. The data will be anonymized and exclude region and field location.

LeapEye ecosystem

The Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs)


BBLeap values open and transparent communication. This includes the stages of our technologies under development. To communicate our progress we use Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). TRLs are developed and introduced by NASA in order to be consistent and uniform about communicating technology maturity. LeapEye is identified to be currently in TRL 5. TRL 5 is described as “Component(s) prototype(s) validated in relevant environment”.

Go to LeapBox or explore other BBLeap technologies.