Flexible use and no rest liquid with
LeapJet direct injection system
Making Farming On Plant Level more sustainable.
LeapJet is a unique injection system for agricultural sprayers
For real-time and task map spray applications it is hard to predict the volume of crop protection you need. An injection system holds the crop protection liquids, therefore the main tank only contains water. The injection system injects the right dose.
LeapJet can inject from 12,5ml up to 12,5 liter per minute into the spraying system on-demand. The system calculated and injects autonomously the required volume. The flow range of the LeapJet enables spraying with 1 nozzle or 100 nozzles and/or from 10% to 100% application rate.
The LeapJet dosing pump is specially developed for precision spraying and it is chemical resistant. This pump can be connected to the machine’s spraying controller via CAN bus – making it possible for the control system to request the desired flow rate from the pump as the spraying conditions change. The pump’s design allows it to quickly converge on the new flow rate target. Dynamic spraying conditions do not influence the level of variation or precision.
Full Circulation System
To get the best spray quality an agricultural sprayer should be equipped with a full circulation system. A full circulation system enables you to spray directly without wasting water. Also while spraying, there are no dead ends in the system where you could get sediment issues, blocked nozzles, or contamination. Another major benefit of a good circulation system is that cleaning the spray lines or change to another application can be done fast, safe and with minimum time and water usage.
Injection and mixing
LeapJet can perfectly be combined with a circulation system. The injection takes place right before the pump, and the return from the circulation system is connected to the suction side of the pump to make a closed loop.
With injection before the spray pump, the pump is used as a mixing chamber. The pump is also used as a buffer, especially useful when spraying in very small quantities. For extremely small quantities, the LeapJet pump can run intermittently, keeping the concentration in the pump circuit at the correct level. When the rate increases, e.g. by opening more nozzles or increasing speed, the pump will run continuously again.
LeapJet primes the circulation system before spraying. The liquid in the circulation system will be circulated and at the same time, the crop protection agent(s) will be primed in 4 cycles to get the right concentration in the spray system.
You can start spraying at any time with the right concentration and mix. A tank agitation valve is still available to circulate through the tank if required.
The Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs)

BBLeap values open and transparent communication. This includes the stages of our technologies under development. To communicate our progress we use Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). TRLs are developed and introduced by NASA in order to be consistent and uniform about communicating technology maturity. The LeapJet is identified to be currently in TRL 6. TRL 6 is described as “Subsystem(s) prototype(s) validated in relevant environment.